The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan / General Intelligence Department

Anti Terrorism

Anti Terrorism


  • Terrorism and the various terror groups and organizations pose a serious threat to global security. Jordan was one of the first countries to warn against the danger of terrorism on global security and stability and participated in formulating relative agreements, on the Arab and international levels. From the outset, Jordan stressed the need to condemn terrorism and fight it in all its forms and worked on countering it by all means. It will continue to be committed to fighting it and not allowing nor ignoring the use of its territory as a base for any terrorist activities irrespective of their target or source.
    Regretfully, Jordan’s moderate and brave stances have long made it a prey for terrorist activities as evidenced by the tragic loss of its founding monarch King Abdullah Bin Al-Hussein I, who lost his life to terrorism. Jordan also lost two of its Prime Ministers (Haza’a Al-Majali and Wasfi Al-Tal) as victims of terrorism, which also targeted Jordanian citizens, internal institutions, embassies, diplomats and interests abroad. Moreover, given our challenging geo-political circumstances, we are not entirely detached from political and security developments around us.
    GID has arrangements to exchange information concerning security with friendly countries on the basis of mutual interest to counter terrorist threats. The GID has a number of wide range achievements in this field that it can be proud of. That is, GID repeatedly succeeded in foiling terrorist plots and dismantling terror organizations planning to launch attacks in or outside of Jordan. Such organizations included, for example,  Mohammad Army (1989), Bay’at Al-Imam Organization (1994), Khader Abu Hosher (1999), Jund-el-Sham (2000), Jordanian Afghans (2001), Reform and Defiance Movement (1998) while foiled operations included Al-Jayousi Group’s explosive-laden trucks (2004), and the attempt against Queen Alia International Airport (2006).

    More specifically, in its fight against terrorism, Jordan has adopted a three-track plan:

    • Legislation: For example, in November 2001, the Jordanian government amended the Jordanian penal code to toughen sentences against crimes of a terrorist nature. Also, in 2006, an anti-terror law was passed (Act 55 of 2006) that deals specifically with terrorism-related crimes and funding. This Act goes in tandem with Jordan’s obligations under international conventions condemning terrorism.
    • Executive Measures: Following the issuance of UNSC Resolution 1373 on countering terrorism, Jordan has taken a series of measures to comply with the resolution, including adopting the anti-money laundering Act 46 of 2007. Jordan also updated the specifications of personal identification documentation to be more in compliance with international safety standards, thus minimizing forgery risks.
    • Treaties and Conventions: Jordan is party to anti-terror treaties and conventions dating back to the last century and has also helped in formulating a number of regional as well as international treaties with the aim of combating and curbing terrorism.

    However, in its work, GID has been careful to strike a balance between personal freedoms and human rights on the one hand and security requirements on the other. This balance is key to our success in combating terrorism to date; and we continue undeterred in our mission, adamant not to bow to the will of the terrorists or allow the use of our territories for launching their attacks.

    We also endeavour to dispel misperceptions about Islam given the damage done to its good name by the terrorists who abuse the religion by using it as an excuse for their unpardonable actions. The Amman Message of November 2004, in particular, reiterates the fact that Islam remains a religion of moderation and tolerance that does not condone assaulting civilians or causing damage in its name.

  • Legislation: For example, in November 2001, the Jordanian government amended the Jordanian penal code to toughen sentences against crimes of a terrorist nature. Also, in 2006, an anti-terror law was passed (Act 55 of 2006) that deals specifically with terrorism-related crimes and funding. This Act goes in tandem with Jordan’s obligations under international conventions condemning terrorism.
  • Executive Measures: Following the issuance of UNSC Resolution 1373 on countering terrorism, Jordan has taken a series of measures to comply with the resolution, including adopting the anti-money laundering Act 46 of 2007. Jordan also updated the specifications of personal identification documentation to be more in compliance with international safety standards, thus minimizing forgery risks.
  • Treaties and Conventions: Jordan is party to anti-terror treaties and conventions dating back to the last century and has also helped in formulating a number of regional as well as international treaties with the aim of combating and curbing terrorism.

However, in its work, GID has been careful to strike a balance between personal freedoms and human rights on the one hand and security requirements on the other. This balance is key to our success in combating terrorism to date; and we continue undeterred in our mission, adamant not to bow to the will of the terrorists or allow the use of our territories for launching their attacks.

We also endeavour to dispel misperceptions about Islam given the damage done to its good name by the terrorists who abuse the religion by using it as an excuse for their unpardonable actions. The Amman Message of November 2004, in particular, reiterates the fact that Islam remains a religion of moderation and tolerance that does not condone assaulting civilians or causing damage in its name.

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