The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan / General Intelligence Department

The principles on which the circle is based

The principles on which the circle is based

The concept of national security

General Intelligence proceeds in its work from a deep awareness of the concept of comprehensive national security in its various dimensions, politically, economically, administratively, socially and culturally, and its goal and means are the Jordanian citizen, so that The Jordanian national security system includes all institutions of the state and society, within an integrated framework between all institutions, and takes into account constants, national interests, our aspirations and our future needs.

  1. Mechanism of conditions for joining the department

    National security depends on community resilience and strengthening Factors of its own strength, protecting the homeland, and ensuring security The Jordanian people, their freedom, and providing the necessities of life generous to the citizen.

  2. Department staff

    General Intelligence includes qualified cadres in various fields Specializations include boys and girls, and they are qualified And train them to carry out their duties to the fullest extent, with Commitment to exacting and military connection.

  3. Geographical location

    The main headquarters of the General Intelligence Department is located in The capital / Amman, and a number of directorates are affiliated to it Intelligence in all governorates of the Kingdom.

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