The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan / General Intelligence Department

A letter from His Majesty the King to His Excellency the Director of Intelligence and his response to it

A letter from His Majesty the King to His Excellency the Director of Intelligence and his response to it

Dear Brother Major General Ahmed Hosni, may God protect him,
Director of General Intelligence,
Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings be upon you,

We have chosen you to take over the management of the General Intelligence Department, at this critical stage in which our entire region faces enormous and unprecedented challenges, and in which our beloved country faces challenges that you imposed on it. Regional variables and the general unique and tense global climate, however, Jordan, as it has always been, and with the determination of our proud people and their high sense of true national responsibility, and with the efficiency and ability of our institutions, are at the forefront. Including our valiant armed forces - the Arab Army, the General Intelligence Department, and other security agencies, they were able to overcome many obstacles and difficulties, and we will overcome, God willing, with our cohesion, solidarity, and solidarity. All of us, and our people are aware of all the challenges and difficulties.

I am confident that we are moving towards a better future, because of what I see, know and see of the unyielding determination of Jordanians, and I salute every Jordanian, male and female, who work hard and with dedication in all our national institutions. Bearing in mind achieving what is in the interest of our dear country and our dear citizens.

The General Intelligence Department, which we are proud of, has recently completed a serious institutional development process to continue performing its pivotal and historic national role, which every Jordanian shares in my appreciation. Praising him for protecting Jordan’s national security with single-minded efficiency and high professionalism is a source of pride for us. This ongoing development process was based on the distinguished staff of the General Intelligence Department, and on the efficiency And the professionalism of its members, whom I take this occasion to salute and thank for their diligent and sincere work and their endless dedication to serving and defending the country, just like the

Although the path of the General Intelligence Department - Knights of Truth has always been a bright and honorable path, it - like any other government institution or administration - was not devoid of some transgressions by a few. A few deviated from the path of loyal service to the nation and put private interests ahead of the public good, which then required immediate dealing with and correction.

Here I must reiterate and emphasize that such individual actions and exploitative behavior of this small minority, who have forgotten that power and positions, at all levels, accompany them. Responsibility and accountability are necessarily associated with it, and it does not treat authority and position as an assignment and duty of national service that should not deviate one iota from considerations of achieving the interests of the nation and the citizen. It must not lead us to fall into the trap of issuing erroneous, unjust, and dark general judgments about our institutions and agencies, or doubting their credibility, integrity, or the dedication and integrity of the vast majority of people. Its employees and their loyalty.

I chose you at this stage, due to the ability and competence I learned about you in the positions you held in the General Intelligence Department throughout your long service there, to manage and lead this apparatus. Dear and ancient, and to continue, with focus and at a faster pace, the ongoing process of renewal, modernization and development in it with the aim of reaching the highest levels of professionalism and craftsmanship for General Intelligence to remain at the forefront. The agencies that are referred to with admiration and appreciation in Jordan and at the international level, and to work to enhance the values ​​of integrity and justice, and to modernize the department - within the framework of

Wishing you success in your mission, and expressing my absolute support for the proud General Intelligence Department and my great pride and confidence in it and its employees, and also expressing my thanks and appreciation to your predecessor, dear brother Lieutenant General Adnan Al-Jundi for his sincere efforts and hard work during his tenure in office.

Wishing you success in your mission, and expressing my absolute support for the proud General Intelligence Department and my great pride and confidence in it and its employees, and also expressing my thanks and appreciation to your predecessor, dear brother Lieutenant General Adnan Al-Jundi for his sincere efforts and hard work during his tenure in office.

May God protect you, take care of you, and help you carry out the responsibility.

Peace, mercy and blessings of God

Abdullah II Ibn Al-Hussein

Amman on 25 Shaban 1440 AH corresponding to May 1, 2019 AD

The Director of General Intelligence responded kindly

My Lord, His Majesty the Hashemite
King Abdullah II, son of Al Hussein the Great, may God protect and protect him

My great lord,,,

I am honored, my lord, since you have encircled my neck with your sublime royal trust by appointing me as Director of the General Intelligence Department, to raise to your sublime position the most sincere thanks, gratitude and gratitude for your sublime trust. Coupled with absolute loyalty, belonging, and devotion to your redeemed throne and your victorious Hashemite banner.

My great lord,,,

Your precious and dear trust, my lord, will remain a debt on my neck, and an incentive for me and all my colleagues from the ranks of the General Intelligence, to live up to the level of your trust and aspirations, pledging to Your Majesty that the Intelligence will remain The public, as you have always known it and wanted it to be, is a national, civilized institution that draws from your inspiring Hashemite School all the values ​​of giving, achievement, and national commitment, and proceeds in accordance with your sound guidance and thought. Enlightened, deriving from Your Majesty the spirit of responsibility, determination and steadfastness in carrying out our national duty, always looking forward to living up to your expectations.

My great lord,,,

Your lofty message, my lord, and all the visions and directives it conveyed, will represent for us an action program and a road map, which we will immediately begin implementing and adhering to as a consistent approach to the work of General Intelligence. We will give the professional dimension the highest priority in our work to overcome all challenges and difficulties, and we will proceed as Your Majesty ordered, with steadfastness, determination and confidence, on the path to serving our country and protecting its security and its citizens. And ensuring the rights and dignity of citizens are guaranteed and protected, We will deal firmly with all attempts to undermine Jordanian national principles

My great lord,,,

As I renew my knowledge and gratitude for the favor and honor you have bestowed upon me, Your Majesty, I pray to God Almighty to preserve you as a leader of the nation, a lofty symbol of its glory and pride, and a guardian of our blessed journey, and to grant you enjoyment. May God bless you with good health and wellness, and may He guide your steps on the path of goodness and prosperity. He is the best Lord and the best answerer.

My great lord,,,

Your faithful servant

Major General Director of General Intelligence

Ahmad Husni

Amman: 25/Shaban/1440 corresponding to: 1/May/2019

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