The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan / General Intelligence Department

Human Rights

Human Rights

From the sayings of the late His Majesty King Hussein in General Intelligence

  • Since its founding, Jordan has adopted the democratic system as a way of life, a way of working, and a basic pillar of building civilized and developed nations. Therefore, democracy and political pluralism were Spreading freedom and respect for human rights are among the pillars and constants of governance in Jordan, where the first constitution of the Jordanian state was issued in the name of the Basic Law in 1928, and it focused on democratic foundations and public freedoms. The first legislative council was elected in 1929. There is a democratic legacy and a strong legislative basis that has been repeated and rooted over the past decades, which has been reflected positively and effectively.

The political will is serious, firm, and rooted to respect human rights and public freedoms, reflected in commitment to the provisions of the Jordanian Constitution and the laws in force, and the contents of the books of the Supreme Government’s mandate. The successive speeches and speeches of His Majesty the Great King, may God protect and preserve him, all of which focus on raising the ceiling of public freedoms, respecting human rights, strengthening democracy, and activating and developing party life, To become a behavior practiced by everyone, and what confirms this approach is making room for holding seminars, workshops, lectures, conferences and training courses related to human rights.

I express my deep pride in all members of this apparatus, soldiers, non-commissioned officers, and individuals, and my appreciation for their distinguished giving, and their keenness to advance duty, honesty, sincerity, and selflessness.

From the sayings of His Majesty King Abdullah II about the armed forces and security services

As for our valiant armed forces and security services, they are the shield of the nation and the symbol of its pride and free will. They are the watchful eye for the security of citizens and the preservation of their lives and dignity. They are before and from

Still, a subject of our pride and appreciation, and my government will work to give our armed forces and security services every care and

I express my deep pride in all members of this apparatus, soldiers, non-commissioned officers, and individuals, and my appreciation for their distinguished giving, and their keenness to advance duty, honesty, sincerity, and selflessness.

From the sayings of His Majesty King Abdullah II about the armed forces and security services

As for our valiant armed forces and security services, they are the shield of the nation and the symbol of its pride and free will. They are the watchful eye for the security of citizens and the preservation of their lives and dignity. They are before and from

Still, a subject of our pride and appreciation, and my government will work to give our armed forces and security services every care and

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