The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan / General Intelligence Department

From the sayings of His Majesty the Great King

From the sayings of His Majesty the Great King

From the sayings of the late His Majesty King Hussein in General Intelligence

  • “I have absolute confidence in the General Intelligence Service, its leadership and members, so I am completely reassured by your awareness, your good discipline, and your great generosity.”
  • “The General Intelligence Service, whose distinguished contribution we cherish and are keen to develop and modernize its methods so that it can carry out its important responsibilities, based in all of this on the fact that the agency was founded on piety.” And noble character, sincerity and sacrifice for the pure wealth of Jordan.”

I express my deep pride in all members of this apparatus, soldiers, non-commissioned officers, and individuals, and my appreciation for their distinguished giving, and their keenness to advance duty, honesty, sincerity, and selflessness.

From the sayings of His Majesty King Abdullah II about the armed forces and security services

As for our valiant armed forces and security services, they are the shield of the nation and the symbol of its pride and free will. They are the watchful eye for the security of citizens and the preservation of their lives and dignity. They are before and from

Still, a subject of our pride and appreciation, and my government will work to give our armed forces and security services every care and

Letter of designation of Ali-Abul Ragheb as Prime Minister on June 9, 2000

“With God’s blessing, we are confident that we are moving in the right direction. I place the security of my country and my people before my own personal security. We fear no one and no one intimidates us. Our security apparatuses are astutely aware. They are well qualified and well trained, and work tirelessly to ensure the security of Jordan and its people. We are proud of them, and our people know very well that there are those who wish to undermine and weaken our country. The plans of these terrorist parties and groups have been exposed, and their conspiracies thwarted due to the strength of our internal front the loyalty of Jordanians to their country and their nation. We are proud of the brave Jordanian stance and the ability of Jordanians to confront terrorist attempts that have sought to frighten secure citizens.”

From the sayings of His Majesty the Great King
From the sayings of His Majesty the Great King

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